Benefits of Finding a Fertility Nutritionist Near You

By Margot Whitney, MS, RD, LDN

There is no shortage of nutrition information available online when it comes to fertility. From what to eat, what NOT to eat and the millions of supplements to shop for, navigating fertility can feel quite overwhelming. When trying to conceive you often hear “don’t stress,” but with all the contradictory information about what you should and shouldn’t eat it can be hard not to! Luckily, working one-on-one with a fertility nutritionist can help you clear the clutter, receive evidence-based nutrition tips and figure out a more personalized approach to bolster your conception journey. 

Here is why:

#1: A Fertility Nutritionist Will Create a Personalized Plan for YOU 

Before you even conceive, it’s important to work on your health and practice self-care. This includes regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and of course, a healthy diet. Not only do these four pillars enhance fertility, but the health of your pregnancy and your baby. No, you don’t need to eat perfectly, but having a personalized plan from a fertility nutrition expert can help you feel better and more relaxed throughout the process. A personalized plan can include specific calorie, macro and micronutrient recommendations based on your activity level, medical history, health goals and anthropometric data. It may also include specific meal ideas, recipes, and recommendations for when you’re traveling or eating out.  

#2: A Fertility Nutritionist will Recommend Supplements Tailored to Your Specific Needs

Yes, you know taking a prenatal is critical for fertility nutrition, but what about CoQ10, B12, Vitamin D, Magnesium? With so much information out there and a billion dollar supplement industry designed to draw you in, it can be near impossible to know what supplements are best to focus on for fertility. Working with a fertility nutritionist to create a personalized supplement plan catered to your needs, medical history, and based off of lab work is the best route to go. Taking the wrong supplements without professional guidance could do more harm than good! A fertility nutritionist will ensure that you are taking the right supplements, at the right times, and not wasting your money and time juggling sugar pills that aren’t enhancing your chances of conception. 

#3: A Fertility Nutritionist will Look at the Whole Picture 

Yes, the food you eat matters for fertility! Fertility nutritionists want to ensure you are eating enough, and getting a good balance of macro and micronutrients to enhance your fertility. However, food is just one part of the puzzle when it comes to getting your body ready for pregnancy. A fertility nutritionist will take a whole body approach and consider sleep, movement, mental health, etc. 

A fertility nutritionist will also refer you to their team of specialists when one area needs a greater focus. For instance, a fertility nutritionist might find that your digestive issues need further investigation so they will tap into their network of gastroenterologists to ensure you are getting the proper testing to address any underlying issues. 

At NYNG we have dietitians who specialize in fertility. Do you need guidance to help during this exciting (but often anxiety provoking) time in your life? Our fertility nutritionists would love to help you!

Lisa Moskovitz